drug test

Does Salvia Show Up in Drug Tests?

Question by : Does salvia show up in drug tests?
I get tested by a rehab center for my probation who sends it to a lab. i live in ma. it’s a urine test my frend gave me some salvia will it show up? and is it still legal?

Best answer:

Answer by Xaphan
Neither salvinorin A (the active compound in Salvia) nor its metabolites (the substances it is broken down into by the body) are tested for in the standard drug test. The basic drug test, currently used for nearly all testing programs (corporate, school, sports & judicial), checks for the “SAMHSA-5”, and cannot currently detect salvinorin A.

What Are the Drug Testing Rules in the NBA?

Question by Vladimir Putin: What are the drug testing rules in the NBA?
Example: do all players have to submit urine / blood samples after very game, or random througout the season / off season, or what?

And what substances are tested for? Steroids, HGH, etc?


Best answer:

Answer by kiki
everything..so don’t use any

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NAATP Supports Heroes 6K Run/Walk South Florida – The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers is proud to be a community sponsor for the second annual HEROES 6K RUN/WALK SOUTH FLORIDA. Medivanc…

Rehab or Substance Abuse Program?

Question by Angel Stokes: Rehab or Substance abuse program?
I don’t know anything about either. But my husband is a felon, and on probation. He apparently has been doing stuff lately. He is being accused of stealing. Don’t know if he did, or not…

He wants rehab… He wants to be done with this. He’s done great for so long (I think peer pressure has a lot to do with it) Because he has been clean for 2 years…

I don’t know if how this will go, but it doesn’t look good. My husband truly is a good guy, he’s been taking crunchbars lately, and he doesn’t remember anything… He’s just got a bad problem.

My Wife Wouldn’t Let Me See My Daughter So Got a Court Order for Custody.?

Question by jackedup400: my wife wouldn’t let me see my daughter so got a court order for custody.?
the cops went to my wife’s work an served her, they followed her to where my daughter was . she was at a crack house where three guys were watching her.my daughter was acting funny so i had her drug tested. she tested positive for cocaine she’s only 16 monthes old. will this affect her the rest of her life? 16 monthes and already introduced to drugs and my wife doesn’t have to do supervised visits
she had my daughter for 3 weeks .the drug testing lady said it could have been on a table and my daughter could have gotten into it or they could have been blowing smoke in my daughters face

Failed a Probation Marijuana Drug Test?

Question by kyle_viper: Failed a probation marijuana drug test?
Got caught for Felony Possession in florida last year, been on probation for 7 months. Successfully Detox’d my first test, then passed 2 drug test in a treatment program. Now 7 months in I fail one. What are the chances of me going to jail being my first violation of probation, and the drug only being cannabis.

Best answer:

Answer by fancyname
Its still a fail, it depends on your judge.

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Rays Prospect Primer: Romero near ready

Pre-Employment Drug Test?

Question by Adam: pre-employment drug test?
I got a job as a security guard for a private security company in NJ….they told me that i have to come back tomorrow to take a drug test in the office…..Is it even legal for them to make me take a drug test in the office and not in a lab…..also can my employer come in and watch me give the specimen????Serious answers only please. Thanks

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