My Wife Wouldn’t Let Me See My Daughter So Got a Court Order for Custody.?

Question by jackedup400: my wife wouldn’t let me see my daughter so got a court order for custody.?
the cops went to my wife’s work an served her, they followed her to where my daughter was . she was at a crack house where three guys were watching daughter was acting funny so i had her drug tested. she tested positive for cocaine she’s only 16 monthes old. will this affect her the rest of her life? 16 monthes and already introduced to drugs and my wife doesn’t have to do supervised visits
she had my daughter for 3 weeks .the drug testing lady said it could have been on a table and my daughter could have gotten into it or they could have been blowing smoke in my daughters face

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa G
She will have to have supervised visits once you have the hearing and present the medical proof.

Children Exposed to Illegal Drug Activity

There is increasing concern about the negative impact on children when parents or other members of the household abuse alcohol or drugs or engage in other illegal drug-related activity, such as the manufacture of methamphetamines in home-based laboratories. Many States have responded to this problem by expanding the civil definition of child abuse or neglect. Specific circumstances that are considered child abuse or neglect in some States include:

The manufacture of a controlled substance in the presence of child or on the premises occupied by a child4
Allowing a child to be present where the chemicals or equipment for the manufacture of controlled substances are used or stored5
Selling, distributing, or giving drugs or alcohol to a child6
The use of a controlled substance by a caregiver that impairs the caregiver’s ability to adequately care for the child7
The exposure of the child to drug paraphernalia8
The exposure to the criminal sale or distribution of drugs9
The exposure to drug-related activity10
Approximately 23 States address the issue of exposing children to illegal drug activity in their criminal statutes.11 For example, in Georgia, Illinois, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming, the manufacture or possession of methamphetamine in the presence of a child is a felony, while in Idaho, Louisiana, and Ohio, the manufacture or possession of any controlled substance in the presence of a child is considered a felony. California, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, and Washington State have enacted enhanced penalties for any conviction for the manufacture of methamphetamine when a child was present on the premises where the crime occurred.

Exposing children to the manufacture, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs is considered child endangerment in Alaska, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, and Missouri. The exposure of a child to drugs or drug paraphernalia is a crime in North Dakota and Utah. In North Carolina and Wyoming, selling or giving an illegal drug to a child by any person is a felony.

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