Drug Addiction?

Question by Lacey: drug addiction?
im writing a story about a girl dealing with drug addiction….i want the facts straight, i need infor on
how much is a single dosage (XTC, meth, etc..)
stuff like how longa single dosage usually lasts…how often the drug would be taken
how much it might cost
and what withdrawal symptoms would be
how long between the last dosage and stopping would withdrawal start?
pretty much everything id need to know writing from the POV of a drug addicted girl

Best answer:

Answer by randombs904
go to http://www,erowid.org

Everything you need is there

Add your own answer in the comments!



Drug Addiction – Short video on heroin addiction. Produced by Friedkin Digital for Wiley & Sons, Inc. Part of a companion series for a university level textbook, “Abnormal Psychology” 11th edition by authors Ann M. Kring, Sheri L. Johnson, Gerald C. Davison, & John M. Neale. Additional footage courtesy of Greg Scott Sawbuck Productions DePaul University …dedicated to the memory of his sister, Julie. © Copyright 2009


Drug Abuse Office Offers Videos for Docs

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"The videos show the way that the physicians interact with these patients, asking them questions that are sensitive and many physicians feel uncomfortable asking," said Nora Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Those that are …
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DA to begin prosecution of mothers who use drugs

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Since then, Calhoun County prosecutors have joined a handful of other district attorneys' offices across the state in prosecuting women who use drugs during pregnancy and give birth to babies in drug withdrawal. As a result, in the coming months …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle


Prescription Drug Abuse Falling Among Young Adults: Survey

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A new survey is the second report in recent months indicating that what some have called an epidemic of prescription drug abuse is showing signs of tapering. The latest survey shows a 14 percent decline in nonmedical use of prescription drugs by teens …
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From Twitter:

Feel like shit and about to face a 2 hr lecture about drug addiction. If I see the face of a meth addict I will probably vom – by Jenny_Hindle (Jenny Hindle)


From Twitter:

Hey honey you can be my drug, you can be my new addictionby cdmullis (Christina Mullis)


From Twitter:

@HalesGayles you’re gonna have to stop with that crack! I told you your drug addiction was not good! Lol – by CodyZuniga (Cody Zuniga)