Drug Abuse: Narcotics Trafficking and Opium Poppy Harvests (1969)


Drug Abuse: Narcotics Trafficking and Opium Poppy Harvests (1969) – thefilmarchive.org DVD: www.amazon.com The illegal drug trade is a global black market, dedicated to cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of those substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Most jurisdictions prohibit trade, except under license, of many types of drugs by drug prohibition laws. A UN report said the global drug trade generated an estimated US1.6 billion in 2003. With a world GDP of US trillion in the same year, the illegal drug trade may be estimated as slightly less than 1% (0.893%) of total global commerce. Consumption of illegal drugs is widespread globally. Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium contains up to 12% morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce heroin for the illegal drug trade. The latex also includes codeine and non-narcotic alkaloids such as papaverine, thebaine and noscapine. The traditional method of obtaining the latex is to scratch (“score”) the immature seed pods (fruits) by hand; the latex leaks out and dries to a sticky yellowish residue that is later scraped off the fruit. The modern method is to harvest and process mature plants by machine. “Meconium” historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the poppy or different species of poppies. The production of opium itself has not changed since ancient times. Through selective breeding of the Papaver somniferum


Lenawee joining Washtenaw County in program realignment

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By Dennis Pelham Lenawee County officials are acting ahead of an expected shake-up in Michigan's system of delivering substance abuse treatment services. The county commission on Wednesday capped off a reorganization study begun last fall by voting to …
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Senior Spotlight: Substance abuse, grief topic of talk by expert

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By Greg Hatala/The Star-Ledger Amiano is a prevention specialist with Somerset Treatment Services of Somerville and will discuss potential issues related to grief-sufferers and ways to avoid problems with abuse of alcohol or other substances.
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Rahall tackles prescription drug abuse at Fla. conference

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Va., who spoke at the first National Summit in Orlando, Fla. on Wednesday morning, said the epidemic is costing America billions and hurts families. "The numbers we have been hearing from some of the experts here bear repeating …
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From Twitter:

weird heart, so substance abuse.. #foreverDD – by HenryYant (henry yant)


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Substance abuse… – by _RichForever_ (Kendel Sims)


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Additional Coverage for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Won’t Hurt Employers, According to New Thomson Reuters … – by SubstAbuseNFE (Natasha Gonzales)


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12 Responses to Drug Abuse: Narcotics Trafficking and Opium Poppy Harvests (1969)

  • josepatriciopinto says:

    Esta? é a pior arma feita em produtos químicos que desgraça a todos. é uma guerra que ingenuidade não tem nada, mata mesmo! Mesmo que sejamos indiferentes acaba entrando em nossas casas e destruindo as nossas familias. Envenenado sem saber!

  • anuangelseyes says:

    Its the? SYSTEM not the drug-opiates by themselves will NOT damage bodily organs.

  • Inediblehulk says:

    19:14 “We are? all potential drug users.” Note the name on the street sign.

  • 3927dan says:

    i dont? understand why they harvest papaver orientale in the video because that doesnt contain important alkaloids.

  • carsrule78 says:

    u no what?fuck this government,we r supposed to be free people,we need a revolution,i bet half of those assholes take painkillers and all sorts of? stuff,why not,they make a person feel great haha

  • DrakeDorosh says:

    Good chance to learn a little Dutch. I really like their 60s attitude about reforming addicts instead of jailing them. Had ibogaine been? discovered in 1969 I am confident many lives could have been saved. Too bad the punitive attitude prevailed. Now ibogaine is illegal because of its psychotropic properties. It doesn’t have a patentable chemistry and despite great promise as an addiction breaking treatment it is unlikely government or industry will pioneer any effort.

  • tdzheng says:

    funny that in history, drug addiction brought down an old empire that continued for 2 millennia.
    opium brought a crushing? blow to china economically and militarily, lol think of those soldiers fighting the brits while being high xD

  • 534terrorist says:

    the bulgarian subs suck… If you can’t translate something just don’t try to…?

  • MsKittE says:

    Hehe the customs guy in the drug vault looks totally? stoned

  • CuteCatFaith says:

    The original French Connection was set up by the US govt to keep out French Communists who were for workers’ rights in 1930. I was looking for info on the great book? YOU CAN’T WIN and found this. Opium is sold legally in France, pure powder. Thanks for this. Very interesting.

  • paulcampamasantclime says:

    my inglis is? perfect

  • tt247jer says:

    from 2:43 it’s Thailand not China hehe… just a? quick note

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