Do You Think That Drug Treatment Programs in Prisons Are Effective? Why or Why Not? What Needs to Be Changed?

Question by ganicity: Do you think that drug treatment programs in prisons are effective? Why or why not? What needs to be changed?
10 points for best answer

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New Substance Abuse Program Helps Rehab Female Offenders – CDCR launched a new “Trauma Informed Substance Abuse Treatment” Program this year for women at the Leo Chesney Community Correctional Facility. These were the first 200 positions of 2000 that are being placed across California.


Rise in prison gangs fuelling violence, drug trade

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Canada's prison system is grappling with an explosion of gangs that is fuelling violence and the drug trade behind bars and crime on the street, according to documents obtained by CBC News Network's Power & Politics. Corrections Canada has seen a 44 …