How Come People on Government Assistance Are Not Subject to a Drug Test Before and While Receiving Benefits?

Question by FAITH: How come people on government assistance are not subject to a drug test before and while receiving benefits?
Our tax dollars are paying for a lot of people’s drug addictions. I know here in California, most people on welfare are also on some type of drug abuse. They will take the General Relief money and Food Stamps and feed their drug habit instead of the kids. I believe they should all be subject to drug testing to receive benefits from our tax money and continue with unannounced drug testing to continue to receive payments. We the tax payers have a right to where the money is going.

Best answer:

Answer by TheOrange Evil
I think it’d be a lot cheaper and easier to 1) get rid of welfare, especially long-term welfare, and 2) make drugs legal.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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