Drug Abuse Statistics in the USA


Drug Abuse Statistics In The USA – www.hawaiiislandrecovery.com Call 866-515-5032 Drug abuse statistics are increasing at an alarming rate in the USA. For more information contact Hawaii Island Recovery.


From Twitter:

RT @GoHealthyPeople: RT @GoHealthyPeople: In 2010, 1 in 9 people age 12–25 used Rx drugs nonmedically. Infographic with more facts: http://t.co/eowKDMXr – by terraziporyn (Terra Ziporyn Snider)


From Twitter:

CVS Caremark Gets Socially Responsible on Teenage Prescription Drug Abuse: These are alarming statistics: every… http://t.co/Mk9FNsGW – by CSR_USA (CSR USA)


From Twitter:

@HarryNotHarold @Trivvert With caregivers like yours, statistics show that you’re more likely too – and drug abuse.. awks :/ xx – by 3ggybread (j?eman z?lanski )