Addiction Treatment Centers: New Jersey, End Substance Abuse


Addiction Treatment Centers: New Jersey, End Substance Abuse – Finding addiction treatment centers outside of New Jersey can be your key to health. Rehabilitation can be tough on your own, and breaking old habits could mean treatment and detox away from NJ. Stop addiction in your life and find addiction treatment centers outside of New Jersey. Call 866 858-6003 today.


NJ lags in program to ensure drugs for psychiatric patients [The Record

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers nj

New Jersey health officials estimate that 400 people across the state would qualify for involuntary outpatient commitment and that |it would cost about $ 10 million annually to fund at least one treatment center in each of the state's 21 counties. In …


Ex-Addicts, Families Discuss Truths of Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers nj

For New Jersey families, heroin and opiate addiction hits a lot closer to home than many want to admit. More than … During the forum, two familes spoke to the task force about their experiences with rehab groups, outpatient therapy and insurance and …